My Goals for 2018

So it safe to say 2017 wasn’t the best of years… well at least not for me anyway. I am aware that I’m writing this post mid-way through January, however, as a result I’ve had time to really consolidate my goals, dreams and aspirations for the coming year (everyone knows January’s just a trial month anyway right?). So lets get into my goals for the year and hopefully it’ll inspire you to set some of your own.



The first goal I set myself was to complete a 5K charity run. Not only will it improve my fitness, but it will contribute to an amazing cause. I actually set this as one of my goals last year, but didn’t fulfil it due to the stress of my exams which were around a similar time to which I planned to do the charity run. However this year I don’t have the excuse of exams, so I fully intend to complete this goal. Personally I plan to run the 5K pretty muddy run in aid of cancer research.


The next goal I set myself was to read a book a month. Now to many of you that may not seem to be a lot, and it wouldn’t have seemed to be a lot to myself two years ago either. However since starting sixth form I have found myself reading less and less, giving myself the excuse of a lack of time, when realistically we can all find time for something we really want to do. This is why I’m starting small, to not overwhelm myself with a huge goal and hopefully I can build it up as the year goes on. Feel free to leave me your recommendations in the comments 🙂

Something I have wanted to do for a really long time is climb a mountain. I love the thought of the challenge and nothing excites me more than the thought of the beautiful view from the top. In the UK some of the most notable mountains are Ben Nevis in Scotland and Snowdon in Wales and I have set myself the goal of climbing Snowdon, weather or not I get around to it is questionable but hopefully I will!


The final goal I set for myself was to get back into Athletics. Since primary school I have been a keen athlete and have loved sprinting, running and jumping (throwing? not so much…). You’re probably noticing a recurring theme of me using exams and college as an excuse for not doing things or falling out of routine and this is no exception. I did athletics all through school competing in county athletics championships and the Sainsbury’s school games countless time, however since leaving school and no longer having teachers to sign me up to these events, I have stopped competing. As a result my fitness and confidence levels have dropped. Hopefully this will be the year I muster up the courage to sign up to an athletics club and start training again! I just need to keep reminding myself I will only regret the things I don’t do.

This brings me to the end of this post. I hope you all have the best 2018 and reach all of your own personal goals, until next time, byeeee 🙂

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